Thursday, 14 September 2017

the bike race!!!

We are using our PLANNING and IMAGINING muscles!

Before the race
During the race
After the race
How are you feeling? Why?
Good! I am ready to win i am confident.

What do you know about the track?
It you,you have to drive offer TNT and magma and a rode fall of scorpions and and allot of tigers and also a big robo skeleton !!!!!!!!!!!   

How have you prepared?
I my helmet and got some boosters on my bike so i can crash people and win the race that is good.

What do you need to check on your bike?
If the boosters are working! And eat breakfast.

What changes do you need to make to your bike?
Make it go faster you don’t need to make the bike faster you need give yourself more sped.

Do you have a race day routine? If so, what is it?
No i don’t!!!!
I was winning i was going really fast but i still had the roky to pase his number was 56 he trade to posh me into the wall! But that didn't work. I zoomed of to the finish line

How were you feeling?
I fil good i was 3 that’s good

What did the crowd do?
Good job!!!

How did you celebrate?     
With a party.      
I found out about the race on Friday.i know the track does have… TNT that is blowing up! And a lot of scorpions! And a lot of tigers! And worst of all you have to drive across a farm of… robot skeleton and 40 of them! And they all have gun’s. The next morning i was all ready for the race! When i got there i was a bet freaked out but there was one thing that was really bothering me number 56 his name was Conner he had the best bike i had ever seen it had boosters and it had  41200px-Multiplication_Sign.svg.png4 mode! When the race started he was coming 1st the race was fun so now for the cool bits so the scorpions popt loots of peoples tirs!!! And then… the cool bit the robot farm!!! They all gun number 56 almost got shot but good steering Leeds to good wot ever so back to the story so the farm of robot and i almost got shot as well we wore almost to the finish line! But then 56 tried pushing me to the wall bat it didn't work zoomed past the finish line and i was happy 56 side to me good job and then he went away with a swish!!!!!! Maybe you will find him and race him but he is very strange?IMG_1674.JPG


  1. nice story Toby i love how theirs lots of entertainment i did not now you could make a bike race that cool

  2. wow toby it looks like you are really exited to finish the race great job
